Acne Scar Treatment

Is there anything I can do about my acne?

Yes! You can clear acne! You can prevent scare formation! However there is no single one-size-fit-all acne treatment formula. Our NSLC 4Cs Acne Treatment Programme is specially designed to treat your acne problem and tailored accordingly to your needs.

Nowadays we have a wide range of treatments available to combat acne and acne scars. To achieve best results, you are advised to go through your dermatologist.

NSLC 4Cs Acne Treatment Programme

This NSLC 4Cs Acne Treatment Programme consists of:

  1. Clearance – Active acne must first be cleared with the appropriate washes, medicinal creams, skin care routine, and/or oral medication, and sometimes Booster Microdermabrasion, chemicals peels and laser treatment.
  2. Control – Once clearance is achieved, continuous control with the appropriate products and skin care routine are essential to prevent or minimize future relapse.
  3. Camouflage – While the acne problem is being treated, the results will take some time to be seen. Meanwhile our customized camouflage cream will help you face each day with necessary confidence.
  4. Correction – Red marks, brown marks, raised scars and depressed scars left behind by acne can be treated with a wide range of clinic procedures without unnecessary downtime:
  • Red marks can be treated with IPL (intense pulsed light). IPL works by constricting the tiny congested blood vessels and therefore clears up the red marks, flush and blush of acne.
  • Brown marks can be treated with lightening creams, chemical peels or microdermabrasion, or IPL and pigment laser in resistant cases.
  • Raised lumpy scars benefit from injections of cortisone to soften and flatten them.
  • Deep depressed scars and ice pick scars may benefit from minor surgical procedures like subcision, TCA CROSS or punch excision.
  • Very superficial uneven scars can be softened with chemical peels or Booster Microdermabrasion treatment.
  • Superficial depressed scars can be smoothened out with Fractional Laser treatment or Fractional Sublative RF treatment.

What else do I need to know about managing acne?

  • Do not squeeze or scratch pimples. Avoid facials, scrubs, masks and exfoliants when your acne is inflamed.
  • Do not attempt to cover pimples on the forehead with a cap or fringe.
  • Do not wash with harsh soaps. Wash away the surface oil with good gentle soap.
  • Have a well-balance diet.
  • Use reliable water-based, oil-free cosmetics.
  • Stick close to your doctor’s prescription. Feel free to check with your doctor if you have any doubts about the treatment or side effects or for some reasons you are not improving.
  • Certain birth control pills and hormone medications can worsen acne. Do discuss with your doctor.
  • Stress and lack of sleep may aggravate acne.

Take Home Messages

  • Acne is treatable!
  • Acne scar is preventable!
  • Seek treatment early!
  • Sometime your acne may worsen initially before it gets better.
  • Occasionally it may take a few months to see definite result

Discuss with your doctor or dermatologist if certain treatment are seemingly not working for you, or you are not comfortable with the medications prescribed for you, because other alternatives are available that would help.