Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel involves applying a thin layer of fruit acid (AHA) on the skin to remove the dry dead layer on the surface, therefore creating a smother, fresher-looking skin texture and erasing wrinkles. The deeper the peel, the more extensive the skin is renewed. Medium and deep peels stimulate collagen renewal, resulting in firmer and tighter skin.

What skin types are suitable for Chemical Peel

Both light and medium peels are considered safe for people of all skin colors. Aging skin has a greater build-up of dead skin cells, which can create a dull look and clog pores.

Light peels are effective at counteracting this problem. Deep peels are not suitable for darker skin types.

How long does the treatment take

Light and medium peels take less than 15 minutes, and are performed without anesthesia.

What is the downtime or recovery time

There is little or no downtime for light peels. For a medium peel, you will need to rest for four to seven days.

What are the risks involved

The risk of scarring is very rare with the light and medium peels.

Are there any precautions I have to take

After the procedure, you may have mild redness similar to mild sunburn. You should avoid sun exposure just prior to and one week after chemical peel. Abrasive scrubs and harsh products should be avoided too.

How about deep Chemical Peel (TCA CROSS technique)

Deep Chemical Peel is useful for the treatment of pitted acne and chickenpox scars. Scabs, crusting and redness will be expected to last a week to two. The acid is usually applied to the problem spots only (known as TCA CROSS technique). There is a biting itchy sensation during treatment. Treatment can be repeated every 3- 4weeks till desired effect is seen.

How many treatments do I need

A light peel typically requires repeated applications every 2 to 3 weeks till the desired effect is achieved.

Conditions that can be treated with Chemical Peel
  • Blackheads and whiteheads
  • Clogged and oily pores
  • Dry, rough skin texture (eg. keratosis pilaris)
  • Mild sun damaged skin
  • Mild age spots
  • Superficial pigmentation
  • Fine lines
  • Pitted acne scars and chickenpox scars