Micro-laser Peel

The MicroLaser Peel is the latest advancement in skin resurfacing. This advanced laser skin rejuvenating treatment precisely removes the outer most layer of skin. This removal of the dead layer and the thin layers of the epidermis helps smooth the skin’s surface while blending irregular pigmented age spots at the same time. This state-of-the-art laser treatment is designed for individuals with active lifestyles who are seeking significant improvement in skin texture, color and tone.

During treatment, the laser-resurfacing device precisely removes the outermost layers of skin at a pre-determined depth. The procedure is customized to the needs of each individual and to the specific skin conditions to be corrected, which include fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, irregular pigmentation and excessive sun damage.

The following may help address the commonly asked questions with regards to Microlaser Peel.

What can a MicroLaserPeel Treat

The MicroLaserPeel is an excellent choice for superficial acne scars, wrinkles,
pigmented lesions, and sun damaged skin. It is often recommended in combination
with other laser technologies for optimal results. Some of the most commonly
treated areas of the body include the face, neck, and hands.

What can I expect from a MicroLaserPeel

Most individuals experience smoother, healthier, more vibrant skin, with an
immediate improvement in skin texture and tightness. Your skin should continue to improve over 6 months of time due to increased collagen stimulation in the deeper layers of your skin.

What are the advantages of MicroLaser Peel

When compared to other skin resurfacing methods, a MicroLaser Peel results in much less post-treatment redness and swelling, and offers patients a more rapid healing process, which generally lasts from two to five days, depending on the depth of the peel. Unlike chemical peel, there is no concern of irritation from acid used. Post-treatment, the treated area will resemble varying degrees of sunburn for up to three days, sometimes longer. Any discomfort can be easily controlled with over-the-counter medication. Sunblock should be applied when in the sun.

How is a MicroLaser Peel different from other laser treatments

One of the most important differences is, however, when compared to conventional laser resurfacing, MicroLaser Peel patients heal in a fraction of the time. This is because the procedure produces minimal tissue damage, resulting in less sloughing, less oozing, and less swelling in the post-treatment phase.

How many treatments will I need

The number treatments will depend on your  skin condition and your desired goals. Your doctor will recommend the number of treatments needed for you to achieve your desired result.

Generally, the least invasive MicroLaser Peels (10-20 microns) may be performed four to six weeks apart until the desired result is achieved.

How long is the healing process

In most cases, a 10- to 30- micron peels will heal in three to five days. The treatment can be done on a Thursday or Friday so you can easily return to work the following Monday. This is why MicroLaser Peel is sometimes known as “the Weekend Skin Peel”.  Symptoms immediately following the procedure resemble a mild sunburn, with minor sloughing on Day 2. Redness will begin to fade by Day 3 and can be covered with camouflage cream if necessary on Day 4.

What type anesthesia is used

A topical anesthetic may be applied 30-45 minutes before your treatment.

How do I get started

Discuss with your skin doctor and he will design a program that best suit your goals.