IPL Photo Rejuvenation

What is IPL Photo Rejuvenation?

IPL (Intensed Pulse Light) Photo Rejuvenation represents an exciting procedure designed to produce younger and healthier looking skin. Based on studies performed worldwide, and published in peer-reviewed journals, we know that this procedure can help you keep a younger and fresher look beyond what common face creams can do.

As the name suggests, IPL system utilizes an intense broadband of light applied to the skin to treat specific skin conditions, be it vascular redness, pigmented brown spots, acne, sun damage, collagen structure or even unwanted hair all at once.

You may have some concerns about IPL Photo Rejuvenation treatment. The following seeks to address some of your concerns.

  • Is it suitable for me?

As IPL Photo Rejuvenation is based on light absorption in the skin, treatments are most efficient in light-skin individuals who are not sun-tanned at the time of treatment. It can be used on dark skin only with great caution. Those with light aggravated illnesses or on photosensitizing medications should not consider IPL treatment.

  •  How long does each treatment last?

A full-face treatment takes less than 5 minutes. With the use of this exciting technology, dramatic improvements can now be accomplished with little or no “downtime” – it means you can return to work immediately after each treatment! It can be used in an anti-aging program in people as young as 20 years old! However you should expect a total of 3-5 treatments spaced one month apart to see maximal improvement.

  • Does IPL Body Rejuvenation treatment hurt?

Tolerance of pain is very individual. No anesthetics are required, and many describe the discomfort as a warm tingling sensation. Lighter skin individual experiences less discomfort. However it may be advisable for first-timer to have an anesthetic cream applied for an hour before treatment to minimize any possible discomfort. Many can do without anesthetic cream for subsequent treatments.

  • What does the skin look like after treatment?

Immediately after the IPL Body Rejuvenation treatment the area will feel somewhat warm and pink in color, but this does not last beyond half an hour. You can typically return to work immediately after treatment.

  • What can I expect after IPL Treatment?

You may notice that the skin looks a little “dirty” (much like fine coffee powder) for a few days following treatment. These usually resolve rapidly and are easy to cover with make-up. Subsequently your skin will look smoother and fresher!

  • Do I need maintenance?

You should continue your daily routine of sunblock cream in the morning and other anti-aging creams as directed by your doctor. IPL treatment can be repeated as often as every 3-6 months.

Smoking and sun-tanning are known to speed up skin aging and therefore should be avoided.